Tip Tuesday

Tip Tuesday #2 ORGANIZING

When we put our house on the market and I shared pictures of my house, one thing that got the most comments was my pantry and “how organized” it is.  Every time I heard this I always thought to myself “I am glad someone thinks it looks organized because its a hot mess”.  But in all reality I guess it is pretty well organized.

So how did I get it so well organized so easily???  LABELS!!!  Actually I label everything!!!

Several years ago I order a bunch of chalk labels from zulilly or somewhere like that and I have used them on my craft supplies, my husband’s tool boxes, my pantry and more.  They don’t work the best as far as erasing the previous wording and reusing them.  But I love the chalkboard look with the chalk markers.


Anything that I have divided into categories is is labeled.  Then when someone is looking for something it can easily be found and when someone is done with something they can easily figure out where it goes to put it back up.  Now the putting it back up doesn’t always happen in the timeframe I would prefer.  But when we do stop and pick up everything that is out of place the labels make it so that everyone can help me in getting everything organized back where it belongs.

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