
Thankful Bookmarks ~ FREE PRINTABLE

How is everyone’s November Verse of the Day Challenge coming along??  So when I put together the verses for this month I totally didn’t think about some of them being on the same page.  But since in the first week three of them were on the same page I had to get creative.

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Right now I am doing a good bit of reading.  Not only in my Bible, but in several other books as well.  So I decided I would create bookmarks for those verses.  Also I decided I would use my new Promise Bible from KJV Bibles for this months challenge and on some pages there are verses that are pre-drawn and its not the verses I have in the challenge so for those pages as well I decided to create some bookmarks.

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If you are following along on Instagram or in my Facebook Group you have probably seen some of these bookmarks.  Today I am so excited to be sharing them with you as a FREE printable you can download and print for your own personal use.  I actually printed mine on sticker paper and thought about using them as stickers, but I changed my mind.  However, the sticker paper does make them thicker for using in books and my Bible.

So far this month I have made bookmarks for Day 3 (Colossians 3:15),

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Day 4 (Colossians 3:17),

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Day 5 (Colossians 4:2),

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Day 7 (James 1:17) and

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Day 9 (John 14:1).

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I did use very basic techniques with my bookmarks.  I simply colored them with colored pencils (which I also received from KJV Bibles) and then I placed them in my Bible.  If you are interested in these FREE bookmarks you can download them here.  Be sure to share with me what you use them for in my Facebook group or on Instagram with #BibleJournalingwithSheena I love seeing everyone’s work!!


A Month of Thankfulness ~ Bible Journaling Challenge

I can not believe it is already November.  I feel like “where did this year go”.  It has gone by so quickly.  This month I want to focus on thankful and Thanksgiving Bible verses for our monthly challenge.  I hope none of these verses are ones we have done in the last few months, but I felt like these were the best verses for this month.

Are you new to the challenge and not sure what I am talking about??  Not a problem.  Each month I provide a graphic with a verse for each day.  We take the verse and spend some time reflecting on it and then Bible journaling it.  We share our work in my Facebook Group Beginner Bible Journaling and we share our work on Instagram with #BibleJournalingwithSheena.  I hope you will join us a grow with us this month!!

In case you missed my video on Facebook recently, I received two Promise Bibles from KJV Bibles.  Both of these Bibles are journaling Bibles and I absolutely love them.  I also received some other goodies from them and for this months challenge I have decided I am going to use the pink Promise Bible for all of the verses.

Remember a journaling Bible is not necessary to be able to join us for this challenge. You can use anything that you have on hand.  Make sure you download the graphic below and I hope to see you on Facebook and Instagram.

Verse A Day (November 2017)

***I am affiliated with KJV Bibles, meaning if you purchase from my link I will receive a small commission at no charge to you.***


October Verse-A-Day Bible Journaling Challenge

I am so excited to be back today to kick off another month of the October Verse-A-Day Bible Journaling Challenge.  I have absolutely loved seeing everyone’s work for the last two months and I am super excited to see what everyone does with the verses for this month.

Make sure to invite you friends to join us.  We will be sharing our daily work in our Facebook Group Beginner Bible Journaling.  Also if you share your Bible Journaling on Instagram be sure to use #BibleJournalingwithSheena.

Make sure you save the photo below so you can easily join us each day and I hope to see your work in the Facebook Group and on Instagram.  As always if you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment or contact me through email or social media!!

Verse A Day (October 2017)

Journaling, Uncategorized

September Bible Journaling Challenge

I am so excited to start another month of our Verse-A-Day Challenge.  I absolutely loved seeing everyone’s work last month in our Facebook group and on Instagram.  Remember if you share on Instagram to use #BibleJournalingwithSheena and if your profile is private I won’t be able to find it even with the hashtag unless we are friends on Instagram.

This month I decided to select verses that are the most popular.  In selecting these verses I found a list of ones that are the most read on Bible Gateway.  Since my Bible Journaling group is for beginners I want to spend the next couple of months really focusing on getting started.  Not only getting started with Bible journaling, but also for new Christians.  So I felt like these verses would be really helpful for everyone.

This week we are wrapping up the month of August and the challenge for August.  Today on Youtube I am sharing some bookmarks I created for my Bible Journaling entries for August.  They are super cute and super easy to make.


Are you joining in and doing the Verse-A-Day Challenge with us??  I would love to hear about your experience with it.  If you share it on social media, please tag me so I can see it.  Did you participate last month??  I would love to hear how it went for you.  What did you learn and how did it help you in growing your relationship with God??

Be sure to download the image below or save it to your phone so you can keep up with what verse we are doing each day.  I will be sharing my work each day on my Facebook page, in my Facebook group and on Instagram.

Verse A Day (September 2017-2)


Creating a Permission Page

Today on YouTube, I am creating a permission page in my Creative Bible.  Last week when I did the walk through of my ESV Journaling Bible I showed you my permission page in my ESV Journaling Bible.  But today I am creating a permission page and showing you how you can create your own permission page.

Permission Page

On this page, I used my watercolor crayons from Stampin’ Up and my aqua painter.  Stampin’ Up no longer has the crayons available for purchase, however, I have seen other watercolor crayons at Hobby Lobby and I am sure you can find some at different craft stores that will work the same.  I also used a heat gun to help speed up the process of drying my page.

Then I used a foam stamp and a black stamp pad to stamp in a large “P” in the top left corner of the page.  I used this “P” as the “p” in permission and in page for my heading of my permission page.  I used my pitt artist pen to write in cursive “ermission” and “age”.

I also used my pitt artist pen for my list of what this Bible is for!!  Be sure to check out my YouTube video to see exactly what I did and let me know if you have any questions.

Journaling, Printables

Bible Journaling FREE Printable

If you have been following along with my Verse-A-Day Bible Journaling Challenge, then you know that today’s verse is Hebrews 10:19-23.

When I started working on this verse, I really wanted to do some hand lettering in my Bible, but I didn’t really know what I wanted.  So I decided to look at some fonts on my computer and put together some lettering from it.  After doing so I decided instead of copying the lettering into my Bible that I would print it on vellum and glue it into my Bible instead.  I don’t have any clear sticker paper on hand, but the vellum works pretty much the same way.

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I thought I would share this design with you so that you can use it to print and include in your Bible as well.  You can download your FREE copy here.  Please remember all file downloads and printables are free FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.  No commercial use or redistribution is permitted.  This means that you can use the files to make things for yourself or as gifts but you are NOT permitted to sell any items you create with the files.  You also may not sell or share the files themselves.

If you use my printable, I would love to see it!!  Or if you Bible journal I would love to see it too.  Use #BibleJournalingwithSheena in Instagram or leave me a comment below.


Welcome to YouTube

So I did a thing, I decided to start sharing about Bible Journaling on YouTube!!  I am really excited about it and looking forward to sharing a weekly Bible Journaling video.

This week on YouTube I am doing a walk through of my ESV single column journaling Bible.  I am showing you so of my favorite pages I have created in this Bible.  It includes my permission page, my content page, pages with vellum, pages with paint, pages with watercolor, pages with colored pencils and more.  I hope you will check it out!!

Photo Aug 14, 1 52 44 PM

You can find my YouTube channel HERE and my video for this week HERE!!  If you like what you see make sure to click thumbs up and if you want to see more of my videos make sure to click subscribe!!


August Planning

Can you believe it is almost August??  Where has 2017 gone??  In a few weeks we will start back to school, scouts starts back and I am turning 33!!  Wow, I can not believe it!!  In July I finished my first bullet journal.  I have several that I have started and not finished, but I completed the journal.  During July I started thinking about what I wanted my next bullet journal to look like and then I saw the Faith planner which changed everything.  I kinda fell in love with Happy Planners!!  I do have a rather large stack of planners that I am currently using, but each planner has a purpose and they are not all day planners.

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Of course with school starting back I decided for this school year my planner would be a Happy Planner!!  I can not wait to show y’all more of this planner.

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I mentioned that I saw the Faith planner and that changed everything.  Yes it did!!  I actually got this planner for my birthday.  My Mother gave me money for my birthday and I decided this was what I wanted to spend the money on.

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I will share more of my Faith planner with you later, but right now I just want to share my month view for August.  I have the verse for each day written out on the day from my Verse-A-Day Challenge.  Then I just added a few quotes that I liked to fill in some of the space where there wasn’t a day.  Then at the top of the page instead of having my top 5, I decided to change it and note the Bible studies I am currently working on.  I have my Verse-A-Day Challenge, Seeking a Heart Like His (which is our Wednesday night study at church but it has daily homework in it) and Armor of God (which is a Bible study I am doing with some scout Moms).

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Then I have my day planner.  I just love the front cover!!  This year has been a struggle for me.  With us moving I have not accomplished everything I wanted to accomplish and it has had me down.  So when I saw this cover I knew this cover was prefect for my day planner.

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I have my month of August set up with all the events that I know of so far.  I also included my personal monthly goals and a quote at the bottom!!  I kinda love inspirational quotes right now.

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Next I have my mini happy planner, I actually got this planner several months ago when we were at the beach.  I attempted to use it and it just didn’t work for me.  I took out the couple of months that I attempted to use it for and decided to make it a blog planner.  It is an undated calendar so that really helped with taking out the few months and picking up where I wanted to.

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My month view is set up as my editorial calendar.  I am actually planning two different blogs in this planner so it is color coded, but more about that in a minute.

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My weekly view is going to be my social media planning.  So I have already set it up for the whole month.  Then I can go through and plan what I want to share where.  For now I am planning to plan my social media for both this blog, my puppy blog and my two Etsy shops in this planner.

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I didn’t need Friday through Sunday of the last week so I decided to cover it with cardstock and add cute stickers that matched my month planning.  I am going to use this page for taking notes and putting down reminders for the next month.

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Lastly, I have my bullet journal.  I went back and forth about if I was going to use this bullet journal or not.  When I decided to use Happy Planner this bullet journal was still in the wrapping and I debated on sending it back to Amazon.  But its my favorite color and I have been waiting for so long to have this exact bullet journal and there are some things I still need a journal for so I decided to go ahead and use it.

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I sent up my key and color coding in the front of my bullet journal.  I am actually planning on making the color coding a flip out on the bottom because I am color coding the bottom edge of each page to match what it goes along with.  I am also using this same color coding through out my social media planner so I will probably add this color coding chart in the front of my social media planner too.

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I am using my Stampin’ Up Stamp Write for my color coding.  Here is a picture showing the names of each of the colors.  If you can’t read them let me know.

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I did transfer over my mid-year goals from my previous bullet journal since goals, collections and list are my main purpose of this bullet journal.

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My monthly set up is very basic.  I have my monthly goals and weekly task on a two page spread.  This really helped me a lot in my other bullet journal and I knew this was something I wanted to continue with.

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Also I am still using my social media and abundance tracker.  I am tracking my social media growth and how much I have each day in sells.  I may move the social media tracker to my social media planner later, but for now I am going to leave it in my bullet journal.

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So having multiple planners/journals isn’t as crazy as it looks now is it??  Do you use a certain planner??  I would love to hear about it, comment below and tell me about it and if you blog about it share a link so I can check it out.


Bible Journaling Challenge – Spending More Time with God

One thing I really strive to do is spend quality time with God everyday.  Bible journaling is something that has helped me spend more quality time with God everyday.  I have decided I want to start journaling a verse a day, whether its in my Bible, planner, sketch pad or just a napkin that I have handy.  I would like to to challenge all of you to join in me in journaling everyday and spending that quality time with God.  Remember its not about what you journal on and what you journal in, its about spending time with God and growing in your relationship with God.

For the month of August I choose verses related to inspiration.  Each month I am going to select verses related to a different theme and I felt inspiration was not only something good to start with, but also good since most kids and teachers will be going back to school during the month of August (my children and I included).  We can all use a little inspiration!!

You can download this graphic I created with the verse for each day and save it on to your computer, smartphone or you can even print it and put it with your Bible.

Verse A Day (August 2017-2)

I would like to encourage you to share your verse a day journaling.  I will be sharing mine everyday on Instagram with the hashtag #BibleJournalingwithSheena.  If you share yours in Instagram please be sure to use this hashtag so I can find you and we can connect!!  You can even share my graphic on Instagram with hashtag #BibleJournalingwithSheena and invite your friends to join us.

Are you looking for others who enjoy Bible Journaling??  Join us in our Facebook group at Beginner Bible Journaling.  I look forward to seeing everyones work and all of us growing closer to God!!


Additional Bible Journaling Supplies

Last week I did an introduction to Bible Journaling talking about which Bibles I use and some of my supplies.  This week I want to talk about some additional supplies that are some of my top picks when it comes to Bible Journaling.  Please remember you do not need any of these supplies to get started with Bible journaling.  You can use anything you already have on hand.

First I love to mark my pages so that I can easily find them later.  This can be done is several ways.  The way I have done this the most is with tabs that I have created from a tab punch I picked up at Hobby Lobby and some scrapbook paper I already had at home.

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I also like to add stickers to the pages.  When I am not in the mood to hand letter or I just want to make it a little faster going on myself I will grab my stickers and add them to the page.  I like to mix up different color stickers with upper and lower case letters and different letter fonts.

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Finally one of my other favorite ways to add something to my Bible is with a overlay.  Usually I will find a picture online that speaks to me with the story I am studying and then I will print that picture on velum.  Once I have printed the picture on velum, I will cut it down to the size I want it to be in my Bible.  Then I will use glue to attach it to the inside edge of my Bible.  Last I will use washi tape to place over where the glue is to make it look prettier.

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Do you have any special supplies you like to use with your Bible Journaling??  I would love to hear about it.  You can leave a comment below and tell me about it.  Also you can share it on Instagram with me by using hashtag #BibleJournalingwithSheena.  Looking to connect with others who Bible Journal??  Join us in our group on Facebook, Beginner Bible Journaling.