Home Tour, RV Living

RV Renovations ~ Before Tour

Earlier this year we were homeless for about a week between selling our previous house and closing on the purchase of our current house.  During that time we were struck with what to do.  Our family is rather large (four children, four dogs, one cat and a goldfish).  After some research we decided to purchase an RV.  Adam and I have wanted an RV for quiet some time so it wasn’t a total loss for us.  Originally we were suppose to be homeless for two weeks and finding a hotel large enough that would allow us to keep all of our pets was more costly than what we spent purchasing our RV.

We knew when we purchased it there was some stuff we wanted to do to it.  But after living in it for a week, there is even more we know that we want to do to it.

Here are some pictures of how it currently looks:

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We have lots we want to do and I am sure as we get in there and get to work we will learn of more and more we want to do.

Some things to get started include:

  1. Remove the sofa bed
  2. Paint
  3. Remove the carpet and put down new flooring
  4. Redo the wall into the bedroom so its a complete wall and door
  5. Take out everything gas
  6. Redo all the kitchen
  7. Recover the cushions for the dining table
  8. Make curtains
  9. Replace the awning
  10. Repair the bathroom

Needless to say I have a lot of work on my plate.  But I am looking forward to moving it and getting everything done.

16 thoughts on “RV Renovations ~ Before Tour”

  1. I can’t wait to see the RV makeover after photos. It actually doesn’t look so bad to start with but I am sure with the changes you have listed it is going to look amazing! Stopping by from the #HomeMattersParty – have a great weekend!


    1. Thanks Colleen!! I am super excited about it!! Since I worked on it for my before tour I have gotten in there and done some stuff that has TOTALLY changed my plans and make it so much more exciting for me!! I can’t wait to update everyone about it.


    1. Yes we are!! Although, we ran into some issues this weekend while we were working on it. I am going to talk about it later this week so make sure to check it out.


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